Tuesday, July 21, 2009

It's diary time!

My friend Lauren and I decided we should keep daily diaries of some sort. Even if it's just something little.  I don't like to write by hand so here is my diary.  

What happened to reviewing beer? I lost my beer notebook, that's what happened.  With my lost notebook, I've lost my inspiration.  i'll get it back. I also lost my travel notebook that has entries from every time I've been in an airport in the past 4 years. 

You can't lose these things on the internet. 

Although sometimes I wish we could.... 

speaking of lose-  vomited all over boyfriend's car sunday. i'm having flashbacks that make me feel nauseous but one good thing was having the reminder that this guy is a good boyfriend. he cleaned up my puke. chunks of crab meat, salad with ranch dressing, and some seafood bisque- all over his passenger side door. And he still kissed me goodnight after cleaning up that shit. 

He's a keeper alright.