Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Boys Love Needy Girlfriends.

You have your period. You can't stop sweating because it's 95 degrees outside. You went to the gym and have swamp ass. Even after the cold shower, you continue to sweat. You don't have any clean clothes so you throw on shorts that you bought but you never wore.

You'd kill for a compliment at this moment.

So you say, "do these shorts look stupid?" And he looks you over and with uncertainty says, "nah."

So you say, "Well do they look ok?" And he looks you over and says, "Yeah. They look ok. They're not sexy or anything. They're just shorts."

They're not sexy or anything. What you want to here.. what you NEED to hear is, "You make those shorts look good" or some corny bullshit along those lines. So you keep digging and digging for compliments in an obscure and extremely annoying way. In a desperate move, you refer to the fact that nothing looks sexy on you because you're overweight and can't stop sweating. And that's when he stops listening.

Although it's important to you, at the time, to hear some sort of compliment- it's a good reminder that it doesn't matter how someone else sees you. All you're doing is digging for validation about how you want to feel about the shell that holds your insides together. It's retarded you can't get a compliment out of a dude, but shit- does it matter? Are you happy with the hard work you've been doing? The healthy nutritious food you've been pumping into your body? It's time to shut up and praise yourself instead of begging for someone else to praise you.

But seriously though, dudes should compliment their chicks at LEAST once a week. Compliments should not be about tits, ass or vagina.


peanut said...

is it the brown shorts?
i think you make them look good!
they're cute.
also i think you are GORGEOUS!
and i love your blog.

This Here Beer said...

It was not. It was a pair of shorts that are much more form fitting. Thank you peanut. Instead of waiting for boyfriend to compliment, I will accept compliments from YOU! xoxo