Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Dear Natalie Pep Talk.

That feeling of accomplishment is pretty sweet. Sore muscles indicating future strength, the idea that you sweated out some nasty shit that's been building up in your body. Working out feels GOOD. It's getting there that's the challenge...

Coming home from work, you're finding excuses to stay at home and maybe take a nap. Abandoning your goals to get in shape and maybe shrink parts of your body. Because you're tired. Because you have a headache. Because you have oh so much to accomplish at home. Who has time for physical self improvement when life is so busy?

Fuck. all. that. shit. If you listen to excuses, you'd never get anything done.

You tell your man that it's his turn to cook dinner and you get your tubby ass to the gym where you will polish the guns, ride a bike to nowhere and regret stepping foot into a yoga class. You will do it because you will feel super when it's over. You'll do it because your body NEEDS THIS. If you don't do it, you will be a lazy lethargic slob with more jiggly parts than solid parts.

You don't have kids, you only work 8 hours a day, you have no excuse. Good job getting your butt to the gym today, but don't you dare think about bailing tomorrow or Thursday!

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