Monday, August 10, 2009

Oh hai!

In an effort to salvage the handful of beer scribblings I did from a website that is being shut down, I copy pasta'd them to here. Now they'll be here forever right? Is it ridiculous to have a copy of something on your home computer, work computer and two web sites? I do this with pictures too. I'm afraid my computer will crash and I'll lose the 1,000 photos that make good memories. So I need to put them on photobucket. And snapfish. And what the hell, I'll upload them to facebook too.

Packratting on the internet.

My fridge is packed with exciting new beers. Beers I've never tried. I think I have a replacement notebook to write notes about beer. Is this it? Am I going to pick up the old hobby? Things are extremely busy at work so I won't be able to do the extensive research that I could get away with before. This means more time at home sitting behind a computer.

It sounds like some bullshit right?

I dunno. We'll see how it goes. I'm happy to be excited about beer again. I feel like it's been a while since I drank something that gave me an oralgasm. I guess with summer time being filled with pale ales, ipa's, wheats and all the plain stuff- I'm missing the crazy oak barrled dark shit.

Anyway. It's bed time.

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