Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Diary FAIL

It's ok that I declared I'd be keeping a daily diary and never wrote again. It's what I do.  I make decisions to do stuff and never follow through. It's my "thing." My "schtick," if that's how you spell it. 

I did, however, keep a journal of my happenings while on vacation.  It's old school and written by hand. In cursive. With an ink pen. But I look forward to reading it in the future so I can remember the seals, volcano, dolphins, floating, boats, 2 million dollar mansions, and being bff's with kids. 

I am pretty awesome with kids, by the way.  Mostly because I'm a big child, I'm sure.  But with Amanda's family, I hung out with the kids more than adults.  Kids do fun shit like double dog dare you to jump off the dock or convince you not to be afraid of frisbee sized jellyfish.  Whereas adults think kids are crazy and fearless. 

I may have come home from vacation harboring less anxiety than when I left. 

So now I'm back to business. The business of obtaining a regular flow of turd. My mission is to make a hardy poop at least once a day. I'm hoping to accomplish this with the use of probiotics, 1 serving of leafy greens a day, lots of vegetables and whole grains.  I want to poop like a champ! No more of this rabbit pellet poo shit. That's too much work. It's time for hearty shits. 

Does this qualify as a "diary" entry?  I think it does. 

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